Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New Year Update

It's been a long time since I have had the motivation and the time to write a post. This winter has been quite crazy here in Vancouver as we got a LOT of snow around Christmas time. While not unusual for Canada, very unusual for Vancouver. I have spent nearly 6hrs just trying to dig my car out on the road way. No thanks to the snow plow that finally made it down the street about a month after the first snow fall. It made getting over to my parents in Comox on Vancouver Island interesting as we left on Christmas Eve day and just made it through the deluge to the ferry in Horseshoe bay before they shut the upper levels highway down due to bad conditions. On the island however, it was beautiful! Sunny and bare roads. Extremely different than the start to the day.

We did do anything very exciting for New Years other than go for all you can eat sushi and watching a couple of movies at home. I highly recommend WAll-E if you haven't seen it. Very cute :)

Since the holidays I have been very busy getting my new Clutter Conquerors site up and running using Joomla! I am also now organizing for the tax season, if you need any help sorting for taxes give me a call! I love to sort paper.

Some pics from Christmas time:
Lazo looking really mad about the stupid anlters!

Christmas 2008
The tree in Comox at my parents

Christmas 2008
My tiny little table top tree

Christmas 2008 snow
The beginning of snow in Vancouver. You can just see a kid on a toboggan going by my window. By the time the snow was all done you couldn't see the car windows as the snow was piled up so high.

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